Three North Clean

A Cleaning Routine and Schedule For Homeowners


How a Cleaning Routine Will Change Your Life – you might be expecting the secret to be a weekly cleaning crew or housekeeper, throwing all your belongings away, or some other extreme kind of measure.  We are here to tell you that with just a few minutes a day set aside and a little effort on your part, your home can be really clean most of the time. Do it alone, or get your whole family cleaning!

What is a cleaning routine or a cleaning schedule? By definition, a cleaning routine is a very specific method or way to clean a home. You can set up your routine into a fixed cleaning schedule. What else can a cleaning routine be in your life?  It can be life-changing not in the same way a new baby or new job does, but in a wow kind of way.  It can make a big difference in our home and life kind of way.  Before you click away or ignore me together let me just say that a cleaning routine is only for someone with time on their hands or someone that enjoys cleaning.  I have seen firsthand that a cleaning routine can be one of the most helpful activities for someone busy and overwhelmed.  Why do you ask?  Because if you don’t know where to start it can cause someone to be overwhelmed, but my cleaning routine provides simple steps and structure for keeping your home clean.  You can start on any day of the week and with as little as 10 minutes a day. No need to wait for the New Year to start this resolution!

It’s much easier to clean your home effectively if you don’t have piles of junk, and nick-knacks laying around the home. If you do have piles, we recommend you de-clutter the home first.

What’s the best part of this Routine you ask?  The plan is all laid out for you already– no need to decide what needs to be clean and when it needs to be cleaned, just follow the routine to the best that you and your abilities can and you’ll start seeing results in no time! Consistency is the key though. So are you ready to take control of your home?  If you’re still wondering if it will work with your busy schedule, it will I promise – keep reading for answers to all your questions including tips galore.

SAFETY ALERT: Never put your hand, or any object, inside the garbage disposal to free up stuck items


clean home (most of the time) starts with 5 daily cleaning tasks. For the regular homeowner that wants a clean house, these tasks will be like a housekeeper checklist, but simpler. These items will be simple and most days you perform them while set on autopilot and complete them without really thinking about it.  If you haven’t already tried a cleaning routine, try starting out with these few tasks first.  Start with making the beds one day, then add checking the floors the next, and so on.  Perfection should never the expectation. Do what you can in your time frame and move on.  Done reading because you work outside the home and think it isn’t possible? Well even if you spend just a couple of minutes each day your home will be cleaner than when you were not cleaning. Here are the 5 daily cleaning tasks that I have set out:

Make your beds

Clean the floors

Clean bathroom counters and kitchen counters

Declutter your house

Wash your laundry and dry it


Trust me it can happen; you can do it. My mantra is every day a little house cleaning task here and there. With that in mind, just doing SOMETHING every day is so helpful! Even with a busy schedule doing these house cleaning tasks will take very little of your time, even if you miss a couple of tasks some days.


The next step to a cleaning routine is adding the weekly cleaning tasks to the 5 daily cleaning tasks. Every day of the week has a specific task.  Adding that task to the 5 daily cleaning tasks and you have a recipe for a little bit of magic. Cue the Cinderella scene with the birds, mice and singing. These tasks are the backbone of a cleaning routine. It’s a system that you need to work through to see how and why it works so well. Thousands and thousands of people all over the world complete a Weekly Cleaning Routine every week – it’s so simple but it works in just about every situation because it has a grace (and a day to catch up on every task you missed or needs touch-ups) built right into the routine. This makes it easy to use for even super busy or less motivated people. Here is a great weekly cleaning tasks list (these five cleaning tasks might change your life): Think of this as your personal housekeepers’ checklist


Monday – BATHROOMS + daily tasks

Tuesday – DUSTING + daily tasks

Wednesday – VACUUMING + daily tasks

Thursday – FLOOR WASHING + daily tasks

Friday – CATCH-ALL DAY + daily tasks

Saturday – SHEETS + TOWELS + daily tasks

Start by making a list on Microsoft Word. You can do the cleaning routine by printing out this list; posting it somewhere in the house where you will see it, putting reminders in your phone even till you got the hang of it.


These tasks are those dreaded deep cleaning tasks that need to be done but you might not always get to them until you notice they are really bad or maybe you just aren’t to sure when or how often you should be completing them.  Some of these are monthly while others are bi-monthly or even quarterly. An example is, if vacuum the baseboards are on the schedule for the month, I’ll pair that with a Wednesday while I’m already vacuuming. This makes it easier on you and so you don’t have to be doing a lot of tasks that don’t work together well.



Still with me?  If you want to incorporate a little more cleaning and organizing, each month I have a monthly focus. Each month includes a handful of simple tasks that focus on the seasons and one room or area of the home. If you do these throughout the year, you’ll find that your home is not only clean most of the time but it’s organized too! These are the monthly focuses that I have laid out for you:

January – Whole House Declutter

February – Kitchen Deep Clean

March – Spring Cleaning

April – Bathrooms

May – Garage or Basement

June – Bedrooms

July – Organizing Systems

August – Closets

September – Entryway or Mudroom

October – Laundry Room And Window Tracks

November – Living Areas

December – Office / Paperwork

Don’t be Shy, Get your Cleaning Routine Going

If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m trying to tell you that just a simple cleaning routine can be life-changing and manageable. My mission is to share what I know about cleaning a home effectively and in the least amount of time.  This routine IS NOT about cleaning all day or seeing how much you can be cleaned in a certain amount of time or how to clean something can be. Remember, professional cleaning companies can clean 2-4 houses per day, per house cleaner. Why not? Because we should all be spending our days with our families doing the real things that matter to us instead of cleaning.  The main thing I want you to take away is that you should try your best not to be overwhelmed when you walk in the door, but instead I want you to feel calm and at ease.  With a cleaning routine, you get to tell your home who’s boss (that’s you).  Remember all it takes is just a few minutes a day and a plan! Then your home will be clean most of the time and then you’ll have the secret too!

Professional House Cleaners to the Rescue

Please don’t worry. On the days that you just need a break, call some best-reviewed cleaning companies like Three North Clean at (587) 225-2077 and we will fill in for you throughout your cleaning schedule.