Three North Clean

10 Surprising places you forget to clean!

Everyone forgets to clean some places in their home. We are not talking about items like your kitchen sink, or blinds, but those not so obvious places. Over the years, as an experienced maid service Calgary company, we have seen them all, and have compiled a nice Here are some of the most shocking places you forget to clean and how to clean them

These are areas our professional maids will get at every deep clean, following a cleaning checklist  but many of our  Calgary clients are not aware they need to be even cleaned

10 surprising places you need to clean tomorrow!.

1) The little ledge/frame above the door. A simple surface cleaner and a cloth will remove the dirt. Best time to wipe this is before you sweep/vacuum the floors so as not to create more dirt on your clean floor

2) Light fixtures. For a homemade and eco friendly cleaning solution, you can use a 50/50 solution of water and vinegar to make sure all the dust and grime comes off the fixture surface. Most fixtures are some type of glass, so this solution will help the fixture shine.

3) Doorknobs/hinges.  These surfaces get missed usually until they look physically dirty or start squeaking. You can create a paste with equal parts of flour, vinegar, and salt. Take the mixture a rub it on the knob/hinge. Leave for a few minutes before buffing off with a soft cloth. The result will be a nice clean shine for your knob and hinges. Do not forget to clean this area!

4) Light Switches. Yet another surface that doesn’t get cleaned until you physically notice it is dirty. Make sure to have enough to clean all light switches/plates in your home. Spray the cleaner on the cloth (or the switch) and use it to wipe away sticky materials/fingerprints.

5) Remote controls. Remove the batteries from the back of the remote. Dip a cloth into rubbing alcohol and wipe the front and back of the remote. Then dip a Q-tip or toothpick in the rubbing alcohol to get into the cracks and edges of the remote.

6) Kitchen table legs. A surface cleaner can be used with a cloth to simply wipe down the legs of the table. To make this a habit, try to wipe the legs every time you clean the top of the table.

7) Oven drawer. Slide open the drawer until it stops. Locate the roller guide clips on either side. Take the drawer by both hands and carefully remove from under the oven. Clean the drawer using warm soapy water with a paper towel or cloth. Make sure to rinse and dry thoroughly, before placing back into the roller guide and snapping the clips back into place.

Calgary Maid Cleaning Service Share’s Their Secrets

8) Inside trash cans. If your can is sitting out, you want it to look nice.  Spray the outside and inside of your trash can with warm water and a tablespoon of dish soap. Next shake in half a cup of baking soda to deodorize and remove build-up inside of the can. Let it for 5-10 minutes. Use a cloth to wipe the outside while you wait for the inside to sit. Use a sponge to scrub the inside. Rinse and pat dry.

Green Cleaning Ideas

9) Inside the washing machine. Run your washer on hot water and the largest load setting (if applicable). Add ¾ cup of white vinegar and ½ cup of baking soda. This will all mix together to get the grime out of your washer. Then use a cloth dipped in the water/vinegar mixture to wipe the outside of the machine.

10) Front door/doors. Use a mixture of gentle dish soap and water to scrub down the door, and then dry with a paper towel. Make sure to keep in mind the paint/stain finish example a wood door would need furniture wax to make it shine.

Now, you know the places not to forget to clean!